Del Norte County Visitor’s Bureau

Del Norte is California’s most northwestern county and sits right on the scenic Pacific Northwest coastline. Its economy once relied heavily on natural resources such a lumber and fishing, but due to changing government regulations that restricted local industries, county revenues steadily declined. A focus on tourism was the area’s logical next step to revive its economy.


Research the county, meet with the community, and develop a strategic plan and marketing recommendations to help revitalized the county.

With the vast majority of all travelers researching destinations online, replacing the website was critical. The old site was confusing with little content and it didn’t deliver the breathtaking Del Norte County experience. Based on community input, research, marketing segmentation and messaging development, Parker Avenue designed and built a new feature and content rich website and ran ads in enthusiast magazines that targeted the largest segments: Birders, hikers, road trippers. The campaign also focused on four annual county events that attracted visitors from near and far.

The campaign garnered a 7% increase in hotel tax revenues…in other words, more heads in beds.

Website creation and a print and radio ad campaign.